Open Culture는 Stanford University의 Assistant Dean인 Dan Colman에 의해 운영되는 블로그입니다. Stanford Univ.의 학생, 교수들이 협업하여 포스팅을 하고 있네요.
세계의 많은 대학에서 이미 강의 동영상을 Open하여 대중에게 제공하고 있고, 매학기 정기적인 Podcasting을 발행하고 있습니다. 요즘 미국, 캐나다, 영국, 호주의 학생들이 iPod를 휴대하고 다니면서 지난 강의를 복습하거나 관심있는 수업을 듣는 모습을 많이 볼 수 있는데요, 학술정보도 이제 개방, 공유하는 시대가 되었기 때문에 가능한 것 같습니다.
하고자 하는 마음만 있다면, 공부할 수 있는 자원들은 넘치고 넘치는 세상이죠. 각자가 정보를 어떻게 선별해서 활용할 것인가, 그것이 관건인 것 같습니다. 골라잡는 것은 여러 분의 몫이죠~^^ Open Culture에 풍덩 빠져 봅시다 !
대부분이 미국 대학의 Lecture지만, 영국, 프랑스, 호주 등의 대학에서도 Courseware를 Open하고 있는 것이 눈에 띕니다. University & College Podcast 리스트를 제공하네요. iTune이 없는 경우, Apple iTune Free Download를 설치하시고 PC나 iPod에서 Podcasting 이용하세요.
University Lectures by Subject (Science & Technology)
Biochemistry 507 - iTunes - Multiple Professors, University of Wisconsin
Lectures from Bowdoin. Note: many of the lectures are internally focused and not strictly academic. You can see a webpage providing more information on Bowdoin’s offering here.
Most of these presentations are in French. To access these them on iTunes, please go to this page and simply click on any of the individual links and iTunes will automatically launch. Or, alternatively, you can cut and paste any of these links into your own podcatcher.
MediaBerkman “features conversations with and talks by leading cyber-scholars, entrepreneurs, activists, and policymakers as they explore topics such as the factors that influence knowledge creation and dissemination in the digital age; the character of power as the worlds of governance, business, citizenship and the media meet the internet; and the opportunities, role and limitations of new technologies in learning.”
Haverford College - Classic/Ancient Texts iTunesWeb Site (see site for feeds)
Haverford College, a very fine liberal arts college, has assembled a collection of key Latin and Ancient Greek texts which are read out loud. The best way to access this collection is through Haverford’s website, for which I have included a link above.
MIT on iTunes U contains video and audio files of MIT faculty lectures, public lectures, and community events. Most of the files contained here can also be found in MIT’s extensive OpenCourseWare project.
Stanford Law School: Center for Internet and SocietyiTunesWeb Site
These technology-focused lectures are given by a diverse group of faculty, many from universities other than Stanford.
Stanford Law School: Program in Law, Science & TechnologyiTunesWeb Site
This program, based at Stanford Law School, focuses on the role that science and technology play in the national and global arenas. The issues discussed in these podcasts will interest students, legal professionals, business people, government officials, and the public at large.
Stanford Technology Ventures Program: Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders iTunesFeed Web Site
A series of weekly lectures on entrepreneurship jointly sponsored by several programs at Stanford.
The Burkle Center for International Relations fosters research on the role of the United States in global security, military, political, social and economic affairs
UCLA posts here a series of webcasts of current UCLA courses. Although most are password protected, there are some interesting courses open to the public.
Princeton has assembled a collection of public affairs lectures, panels and events from academic institutions all over the world. You can find podcasted lectures here from some of the world’s leading thinkers.
The University of Chicago’s Center for Middle Eastern studies offers weekly lectures in Arabic that include social, cultural and academic investigations of the Arabic speaking world. Students will find it handy for practicing their comprehension.